Monday, July 13, 2009

Graduation Day

It finally happened. After 6 years of college, the birth of my last two boys, and a difficult break-up, I beat the odds and completed my nursing education and graduated with a Bachelor degree in Science and Nursing. I did it despite the discouragement of some university individuals that said we would not be able to have a life outside of nursing school. That was not an option for me. As you all know, I had my three boys and myself to worry about. Someone had to pay the bills, and since child labor is illegal here, that left me. I worked part time and we were poor. For 6 years we were dirt poor.
But things are much different now. I will finally be making enough money to support my family without the help of anyone and I will be doing what I love. I have found my true calling in life which is to provide compassionate care to the critically ill. An old c0-worker of mine hired me to work in the critical care unit at a local hospital. It is there that I will start my service to the community.
I am also excited to be a mom again. My poor boys have sacrificed a lot on this journey as well. They have had to grow up almost without a mom, as I was consumed by nursing school. I want to be at their events, experience new milestones, and watch them grow. I am ready for life to slow down and experience it rather than watching it fly by.
There were many people who had a great impact on my success. My mom, dad, sisters, and friends helped out so much with my boys. Whether it was watching them or getting them to football. There is no way any of this would have happened without them. So to all of you I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also want to thank my sister Suzanne for being my competition during nursing school. Our competitiveness encouraged me to be on my game and do my best. After all, I couldn't have you getting better grades than me. It was so nice having you with me and supporting me through our Nursing education. Who can say that they went through their whole nursing career with their sister. We will forever be remembered as "the sisters" at BSU and at NNU. They may not know who is who but they know that we are the sisters.
Yah! We did it!